Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I forgot how hard this was/is.

It's day two and I have already fallen off the wagon.  No, I didn't make cookies.  No, I didn't eat candy.  I did, however, make cornbread.  And not just any cornbread, my super-sweet-it-might-as-well-be-cake, cornbread.  And I made honey butter.  Seriously, I had 4 pieces.  FOUR!!!!!  I couldn't stop eating the stuff.  I prefer cornbread and honey butter to cake.  And now, I'm going to have to exercise to make up for the calories and carbs.  Oh the carbs.  I LOVE carbs. 

I wish I liked protein and fruits and veggies more than carbs, but I don't.  Darn it! And while I did eat an orange, I mostly snacked on Club Crackers today.  They were the whole grain crackers, but come on, more carbs.  You would think I could make it more than two days.  So guess what?  Tomorrow, I start again. 

On a good note, I did not have cookies, candy, cake, or ice cream.  Yea me! (Little golf clap here, if you feel so inclined.)

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