Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another Day - Another Food Log

This has got to be getting boring for my followers.  What someone else eats can only hold so much interest, right?  It does, however, keep me honest.  I don't want to eat things that are not helpful and healthful, because I have to report it here.  Plus, I hope that if someone else has to start on this journey this will help them.  The first time I went to a nutritionist at the diabetes center, I got a lot of kindergarten lessons on what is healthy and what is not and how much to eat in a portion size. I also got a "sample" day, which listed a meal for a day.  Then they gave me a chart to fill out and show what I was eating.  The most informative piece of information I received that day was that often it is better to eat dessert with my meal rather than wait, because it has less influence on my sugar levels that way.  Seriously- I didn't learn anything. 

I actually learned more by reading Dr. Agatston's book, The South Beach Diet.  The book is primarily for weight loss, however Dr. Agatston does a great job of explaining how sugars affect the body.  He explains the Glycemic index and how to use it. It is simple to understand.  I talked to the nurse practitioner at my next appointment and she was very positive about the diet.  She wanted me to use the phase 2  portion of the diet, as I was not trying to lose any weight, just watch my sugars.  I did lose a little- but the Doctor was not upset as removing white flour and sugar from my diet was bound to do that. 

The focus was on lean meats, lots of veggies, really good fruits and healthy oils.  Sound familiar?  It is the diet almost all of us should be following. 

That being said, it's not really that easy.  Yes it is easy to know what to do and to do it, but it is hard to give up the yummy flavors of sugar that my body has grown accustomed to .  Add that to the fact that, starches really do fill us up, it is hard to change the mindset.

Hopefully, others starting this journey will be able to look at all these meal logs and say, "okay, that sounds like something I would actually eat. I can do this."  It would be nice anyway. :)

Breakfast, as usual, was cheerios. I really like the almond milk, so that is what I use now.
I met my husband for lunch at a mexican restaurant. I ordered a salad.  No dressing, instead I added fresh cut salsa and a little sour cream. I was chicken and had a mango salsa added also.  Very good.

Snack time- I actually wanted the apple. As in, it was my first reaction to get an apple.  Not a handful of chips, not a cookie; an apple.  Nice huh?

Friday night is pizza night at my house.  The crust is a killer for me.  so I made BBQ chicken pizzas on tortillas.  Not even kidding.  It works out great and the whole family enjoyed.  You could do the same thing on whole grain tortillas too. They are floppier that a crust, but they taste the same so I think it is a great compromise.

A healthy smoothie. Strawberries, banana, Almond Milk, Orange juice, Ice and a sprinkling of sugar-free white chocolate pudding to bind things. Yummy.

Friday is also ice cream night.  This is what I have been dreading.  However, most places offer a sugar-free option.  At Dairy Queen it is a Dilly Bar.  It is about 150 cal if I remember correctly.  And here is the great news- it's good.  No funny after taste.  Actually, it just really tastes like a treat.  Thank you DQ.


  1. I'm not getting bored. Keep it coming. You are helping me a lot.

  2. What have you been eating these past few days??? My new breakfast is 1 chopped apple, topped with 1/2 C. Low fat cream cheese and 1/3 C homemade dry cereal (I covered a sheet pan with regular rolled oats, liberally sprinkled with cinnamon and topped with a large bag of sweetened shredded coconut that I roasted at 350, stirring occasionally, till all was toasty crispy). Last night my birthday dinner was fresh corn on the cob and a big bowl of sauteed veggies and shrimp with lemon and garlic.
