Seriously, these potatoes are the best I have had in a very very long time, and there isn't a drop of butter on them. Yum. The shake, it is a protein shake, but it is delicious, and my own special twist. Keeps my blood sugar levels down and me full for a very long time.
Okay, the shake first.
This is so easy, that it isn't really a recipe. The Attain, is a Meleluca Product. It is designed for weight loss, and as full as it keeps me, I imagine it does a really good job. I am not supposed to be losing weight right now, but I really don't like breakfast, so I compromised. I looked at the ingredients on the back of the Attain, and guess what? I know what they are, and they all come from FOOD. Not chemicals- food! So I use I powder scoop and 1 banana and 1 cup of chocolate silk, (I'm not losing- remember). I add these to a blender and and add 1 cup of crushed ice. I blend it all up. It makes 2 and 1/2 servings. I give the 1/2 to my kiddo, and I eat 2 servings. Yup, I really do. It is still only 360 calories for the entire shake, so my share of the calories is about 280. If you are interested in the Attain- I can get it for you. You can learn more about the company here. |
Now for the potatoes.
Clean and boil some red potatoes for about 20 minutes until they are soft inside. |
You need some yummy tasting Olive Oil. Get the good stuff, first cold press, extra virgin. It isn't much more money, but it is a much better taste. |
spread around on your pan. |
You will need salt, pepper and your favorite spice. You can use rosemary, basil, garlic, or anything you like. Lemon pepper would be super yummy. I used chives. |
When the potatoes are fork soft, pull them out of the pan and dry them on a towel. Then put them on the olive oiled pan and smash them. Yup, grab a cup or potato masher or strong spatula and give 'em a smash. Ahhhhhh see all the money you save on therapy by cooking? |
Once smashed, sprinkle with salt, pepper and your spices. Bake in a 450 degree oven for about 20 min. They are done when they are brown and crispy. |
I forgot to take a picture on the pan, but here they are scooped up into a bowl. You can serve with a little sour cream, but keep butter away from these babies. They taste fabulous without. Plus, this was you can tell yourself how healthy they really are because you used a healthy fat on them. ha ha --- watch your portion sizes. lol |
Totally pinning the potatoes....and yes I would be interested in the Attain. I'm looking for a weight loss shake right now -- because I do need to lose weight! :) I'll message you on fb about it.