Saturday, May 5, 2012

Testing Day

Today was the day of my glucose test. Pretty sure I am not going to pass.  Being an emotional eater anyway, I decided to take the day off.  No seriously- really off.  I started chronicling everything, but in the end- meh? Some days are like that.  I'll post what I have, but I'm trying really hard to not feel guilty.  It's one day, right? Okay, here we go.

Breakfast started out well.  Don't look at the mess, it didn't stay there. Any way, I wanted protein, since I knew I couldn't eat for another 5 hours and I was going to go for a run before the test too.  This worked out great.

After the test I was hungry and really wanted something good, so I treated myself at Red Robin.  I wanted the new Cantina Burger and fries, but I chose an avocado and turkey sandwich with sweet potato fries.  It was really good.

It was rainy and cold when I finally finished testing, lunching and grocery shopping, and I was cold.  Yup, I had this.  It was 160 calories of deliciousness.  After this I stopped tracking for the day.  I went to a movie and ate a little, and I really do mean a little popcorn and 3 Redvines. Then I went out to dinner at Cafe Ole and topped it off with a Blizzard from Dairy Queen.  I will pay for this tomorrow.  Oh well, life is like that sometimes.  Don't be surprised if tomorrow I eat salad and tuna all day long.


  1. I love you for being honest and human!

    1. Thanks. :) Monday I'm picking myself back up and chronicling again, but I'm not perfect, and I like good food, so I'm sure that there will ups and downs. :)
