Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Another Typical Day

Yesterday I started out with high blood sugar and not feeling great, so I decided to run before breakfasting.  I don't really recommend this, but it worked for me yesterday. And let us not forget, breakfast is not my favorite meal of the day. lol

Around 11:00 I decided I was hungry and had some toast with thin slices of cheese. Grain and protein.

by 12:30, I was hungry. I had a bowl of strawberries. Yum!

This is my new favorite drink.  Water with a few slices of lemon. I never get lemon at restaurants because if they don't wash the outside of the lemon, they pass on all sorts of nasty stuff.  However, at home, I wash the lemons and then slice.

A favorite meal in our family- taco salad. I'm pretty sure my kids only eat it for the chips. Diabetics and anyone watching their weight should count out 5-7 chips. I have to admit, I had as many as I wanted last night and 2 plates this size of taco salad.  But I only had a smattering of dressing on the first helping and none on the 2nd. Taco salad is flavorful enough to not need dressing, or at the very least to only have some salsa. I did not use sour cream.

cheese stick for a snack

I shouldn't have made it- darn Pinterest! I did only have a piece- not 4, so that was good.  I also had some of my husband's steak.

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