Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Back from the Weekend

Once again I took the weekend off and ate what I wanted when I wanted.  In general, my portions sizes are smaller and what I want to eat is simply different at this point.  I got some cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory, and I still haven't finished it.  I can only eat a bite or two at a time and then I'm done.  This is good news.  My overall diet is changing- for good I hope.  Anyway, here is yesterday.

This really is my favorite breakfast now.  I've started making it for the rest of the family to supplement cold cereal and they love it.

This is part of my left-over Shepherd's Pie from the Cheesecake Factory.  I can only eat about 1/4-1/3 at a time.  Portion sizes are out of control at that place.

I made Chocolate chocolate chip cookies for my family on Sunday.  On Monday I had one for a snack with Peanut butter.  No, it wasn't to be healthier- I just like peanut butter.

Frozen Yogurt from Maverick.  It was only okay and put me to sleep afterwards.  I'm going to guess they use a bit more sugar than TCBY.

Dinner was a sausage and cheese sandwich on a bagel.  Plus some stir-fried veggies.  Plus I also had the last 2 cookies.  I did not have a late night snack as my sugar levels were still at 125. 


  1. I wish there were more banana free smoothie ideas out there. I can't stand banana in anything but a banana or banana bread. The bagel looks so yummy.

    1. You know- I don't taste the banana in the chocolate smoothie. I only put it in because it keeps me from getting leg cramps.
