Friday, May 25, 2012

I ate doughnuts for Breakfast

Okay, I did eat doughnuts for breakfast, but only 2- and they were small.  Later I went back for a 3rd.  But I watched my sugars.  And they were baked, and they weren't really doughnuts. They were biscuits filled with jam and folded over.  I brushed them with butter, sprinkled on cinnamon sugar and baked them.  Tasted like doughnuts to my family, and they weren't fried.  Now they aren't exactly health food, but they are better than a deep-fried fat bubble filled with sugar.  (Did I mention that I don't actually like doughnuts?) Any way, that was the way the morning started. 

Later in the day, when I realized that once again I hadn't eaten enough, it was too late.  Actually I had eaten, but I had worked hard, and I hadn't compensated for the extra exertion on my body.  I started to pass out.  Luckily, my hubby was home and put my feet up and finished making dinner.  Hubbies are not happy when wives do not take care of themselves.  I got that accusing look.  Controlling diabetes through diet alone isn't easy, and I got complacent.  He went to the store and bought 4 of my favorite candy bars.  He said they are to treat myself when my levels are in range.  It was sweet of him.  I know that it is also so that when my sugars sink too low, he has access to some fast sugars that I will eat. :)  That's my guy- always the problem solver. :)

Here is a picture of the doughnut, half eaten, because I remembered to photograph it half way through.
I also had my favorite smoothie.  However, I added peanut butter to it.  I wanted to make sure everyone got full and got some protien.  One of my kids said it tasted like a peanut butter cup. I thought it was really good too.

I remembered my morning snack.

and even had a little rice pudding. The craisins were delicious in it, by the way.

Lunch! Whole wheat toast, peanut butter and banana.  mmmmnnn.

No this wasn't dinner.  Because my sugars were so low, I didn't stop to take time to photograph my dinner.  I just ate.  We had baked chicken, salad, and some rice pudding.  After dinner, my hubby went to the store.  He bought all sorts of little goodies that I haven't been buying. Sabotage!!!  Just kidding.  He put most everything away, out of my sight before I even realized he was unloading groceries. These however, were left out. And yes, after checking my sugar levels, I had a late night snack of Oreos.  Yes I had 6.  Please, do you actually only eat 2? My sugar levels were still within range this morning.  On the high end, but in range. 

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