Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week Two

So I didn't track my food or my blood sugar over the weekend, but Monday was a new day.  It's hard, but I am getting there.  I really hate having to check my sugar so much.  But I would hate the alternative even more, so for now this is what I need to do.

Peanut butter on toast with half a banana and 1/2 glass of 1% milk.

I wasn't hungry at snack time, but I decided to have a cheese stick anyway. This 6 small meals stuff is going to take some training.

Lunch was a cucumber, 3/4 of a tomato, a 1/2 c. of cottage cheese and about 7 whole wheat Ritz crackers.  I didn't expect to get full.  In reality, I was stuffed.

One of my favorite snacks. 2 Tbl spoons Craisins and Peanuts.  That is 1/4 cup of yummy trail mix.

I burned dinner--- oh well.  This is pork loin roast - Grilled, er Charred, er Blackened.  And salad.

1/2 cup sliced strawberries and 1 tsp chocolate sauce with real whipped cream is a yummy and fairly healthy dessert.

This is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on homemade whole wheat bread.  Pretty healthy for a bedtime snack, right? Wrong!  While calorie-wise I could afford it.  And while I was truly hungry, this little baby is bad on my sugar levels.  I woke up this morning at 108.  I should only be at 95 at the top end, so this little number can no longer be a bedtime snack.  Back to cheese and crackers. :)

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