One of the things that helps me stay on track with my eating plan is the fact that I have to report what I eat here. One of the best ways to lose weight is to keep a food log, but it works even better if you have to share that log with someone else. I have a friend who lost 13 lbs because of keeping a food log. She didn't do anything different in her diet, she just kept a log and traded logs with a friend. But when she would reach for an extra cookie, the thought of writing it down and having her friend see how many cookies she ate, gave her pause. She wouldn't take the extra cookie, so she didn't have to report it. It works. So those of you who are following my blog as you work to lose weight, start a food log. Do it today. You don't have to change what you are eating, just write it down. After 4-5 days, take a look at your eating patterns and figure out if you can eat better.
Those of you who follow this blog because you also have diabetes- a food log will help you track your sugars and you can see what foods affect you the most. For instance, if you wake up with high fasting sugar rates for a few days in a row, and can't think why, you can look back on your food log and figure out if there is a type of food that is reacting badly with your body. This happened to me. I thought peanut butter and honey sandwiches on whole wheat bread were a great snack. Turns out, a whole sandwich is too much for my sugar levels. I can have a half a peanut butter and honey sandwich OR a whole turkey sandwich. The food log helped me figure that out.
That being said, here is yesterday's log. :)
Strawberry/banana smoothie made with coconut milk. Delicious. |
These are lemon buddies. Like Chex muddy buddies, only made with lemon. Very good. Not diabetic friendly. Except, that I can have only a few few and feel like I got something sweet. |
I love avocados on my sandwiches. My family teases me that when I have a sandwich or a hamburger it is mostly veggies and a little meat. This is probably true, but the lettuce tomatoes and avocados bring so much flavor. I also have a yogurt. I should eat this way all the time, it is really delicious. |
A yummy snack of strawberries and string cheese. Mnnn. |
Dinner was salad and a frozen pizza. I think all frozen pizzas need help, so I added some cheese, olives, and on my slices fresh tomatoes. Once again my family thinks I'm nuts, but I love the freshness of the tomato slices on top. |
I would like to say I only had one of these. The truth is I had 3. I think I should have eaten more dinner, I was super hungry. The cookies don't have any flour, but they do have sugar. Its a c. of Peanut butter, a cup of sugar, an egg and a little vanilla. Good option for gluten free. |
Still hungry, so I stopped with the sugar-fest and had a few slices of deli meat. |
I agree on the meat to veggies ratio in burgers and sandwiches. It's all about the toppings. And I agree that the yogurt and sandwich are ideal, but don't you find that making a good, healthy sandwich takes a lot of prep and clean up time. I rarely have time to make a really good sammy these days.