Hey! Are you ready for another food log? You've been waiting, haven't you? Do Some of you stop taking care of yourself during the summer, because you are taking care of kids instead? Are you running to swim lessons and trying to find fun activities for the kids? Do you look at the clock and realize it's 3:00 and you still haven't had lunch? Do you then decide that you might as well wait for dinner? Well, stop it!
Do you know why this is so bad for your body? You allow your blood sugar levels to drop, and you start to feel tired and maybe a little sick. Then you over-eat, when you finally sit down, and you elevate your levels beyond what is good for your body. Plus, you tend to eat what is fast and easy. That is not always, and I would guess is actually rarely healthy.
Here is the thing, you can keep a small package of nuts in your purse, or in your car. When you feel a little hungry, but can't stop, eat a handful of nuts. Or grab a cheese stick as you walk out the door, so that you have a little protein snack. This seems to be the one thing that can keep me on track- I have to eat. I can't skip. I have noticed that if I am diligent with my snacks, I can even eat things that are "naughty" without having it effect my sugar levels or my weight in an extremely negative way. Part of that is that I am never "starving" so I don't over-indulge. I am satisfied with a bit. Usually. I have my days- and if you have been following this blog, you know that. But overall, I am doing so much better than I ever have.
That being said, here is yesterday's less than stellar food log. lol
Peanut butter cup smoothie. My kids Love this. I actually, think this is the one I added blueberries to, so it's not the right photo, but its a smoothie. :) |
Lunch was pretty good. It looks small, but I was full. Tuna on whole wheat, fresh cherries, no-sugar-added mandarin oranges on cottage cheese and a light yogurt. Just water with some fresh lemon to drink. |
I had 1 1/2 cookies and a sliver (about 2 bites) of cake. This cake was dangerous for me. I gave it away today. It was delicious, but I don't need to eat it by myself. I got a taste- that is enough. |
I love this for a snack. |
Tortellini. Pasta sauce and some Parmesan. Yum. |
Okay- and seconds, with some salad. No dressing- I just didn't feel like it. |
about 1/4-1/2 cup of this. I also had one orange cream bar. Too yummy to pass up- but no seconds. :) |
One of the blessings of having to carry a diaper bag and having a peanut allergic child is that we always have food with us.